For the second time in a row, the good old cassette-player we all have sentimental feelings for, receives a brand new mission: A race vehicle on occasion of the 2nd International Recorderrace.
After its tremendous success in 2003 it is time to get the recorders back on the track: So screw on the wheels and go for it in "fast forward": Powering it with the tape transporting motor.
The Background:
Quite a lot of our beloved technologies and technology products are replaced by new with the time. Due to nostalgic feelings, we do not dispose it. Objects of daily use become souvenirs of better times or simply dust catchers.
We love to support almost every kind of progress, but is it possible to develop an alternative use for old device?
Bearing these thoughts in mind the two designers Anne Bergner and Axel Schmid (Formforte design laboratory ) concerned themselves with an amazingly friendly technology, they have spend plenty of enchanting 60-90-120 minutes with: the cassette-player, preferably in its portable, battery-run kind as walkman, boom box or ghetto blaster.
After having carried out a careful examination, the tape transporting motor proved the ideal drive for wheels. The first fully functional prototype was the ignition spark for the recorderrace. So all creative, race -addicts, with basic technical know-how gathered for a competition with their own race recorders on July 12 2003.
A group of 180 experienced a tough competition: 23 race vehicles (owned by 17 racing stables) were fighting for the glamorous title: "Weltrekorder"("Recorder Champion").