Not that it surprised me Conley has *ahem* 'certain opinions' about this all, but to have it staring back at me on the Sunday comics page was certainly refreshing!
It's gotten to the point I'm ignoring more comics than I'm reading. I haven't read B.C. in a decade (got tired of Jonny Hart subtly condemning Jews to hell, and the whole concept of a character named 'Fat Broad' just goes way beyond my ability to laugh at myself), Cathy's been a one-trick pony for so long I can't stand it, and they don't put Boondocks on our comics page (cowards!), though to be fair, they do also run Doonesbury in full color in the comics section on Sundays.
Good on Darby, for this one. I'm quite sure he'll hear about it, though how anybody who isn't a dumb-ass could possibly be offended, I don't know. Oh, wait ... it's the dumb-asses he's spanking! Never mind.