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Record Lotterey Jackpot Winner Is More Sinner Than Saint Lately

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NNN0LHI Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 02:34 PM
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Record Lotterey Jackpot Winner Is More Sinner Than Saint Lately

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) - The world's first glimpse of Jack Whittaker, winner of the richest undivided lottery jackpot in U.S. history, was of a boisterous, happy-go-lucky guy in a big cowboy hat who loved his family, work and God and promised to share his good fortune with the church and the poor.
Two years later, the picture the public is seeing now is a mug shot of a haggard, somber Whittaker.

Whittaker, 57, has been arrested twice for drunken driving in the past year and has been ordered to go into rehab by Jan. 2 for a 28-day stay. He also faces charges he attacked a bar manager, and is accused in two lawsuits of making trouble at a nightclub and a racetrack.

But in August 2003, a briefcase containing $545,000 in cash and cashier's checks was stolen from Whittaker's sport utility vehicle while it was parked at a strip club, and police disclosed that Whittaker not only frequented strip clubs but was also a high-stakes gambler - which is why he was carrying so much cash. snip

"As if we needed another hit on our image as a backward, hillbilly state, along comes Jack Whittaker to reinforce the comedy cracks like Jay Leno makes," groused Dewey Large of Princeton. "This clown is not capable of handling a $10 bill, much less all those millions. Every time you turn around he's having trouble with the laws of our state. What a waste of all that money." snip

Today, his charitable foundation is closed, according to a secretary at Whittaker's company. The legal troubles have raised questions about whether he will be able to fulfill his many promises to help others.


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ooglymoogly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 02:46 PM
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1. its his money if he wants to squander it so be it
its his business really not anyone else's. whether he is a likable character thats another matter.
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undergroundpanther Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 03:04 PM
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2. God
Was a substitute for money for him I guess.
If you want to see how good a person is give him money or power,than you'll find the monster.
Some Fundy's because they use god as a leash to keep themselves"good" because inside they are monsters,So when they are blessed with money the leash is off..(Fallwell,swaggert, Roberson for instance)Can't use that money for good or give it to charity ect..,because they are greedy first, religious last when they have money,religious comes first so they can feel in control when they don't have money,these socialized conduct disordered people use religion AND money in a depraved self serving way.

Just think of This administrations Straussian mindset twords plebeians.I think in us they see a million Jack Whittaker's in everyone else. And so So this administration can justify using that sick Straussian shit on us because This administration is blind to their inner Jack Whittaker that is Bush policies hiding under the mask of religion and"norms"..Jack Whittaker is the kind off latent sociopath jack off I think These fuck head elitists are speaking about and fear "getting out of hand" ..The real ironic funny is they just can't bring themselves to see Jack Whittaker is this administrations true self in the mirror right looking back at them,As this administration ruins the country bankrupting us by going crazy with the citizens money until we all crash because of their abusive foolishness.
We citizens will realize too late the danger of projection when sociopaths who pretend to be upstanding are in power.
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