George W. Bush dies and goes to hell. The Devil comes out to welcome George on his new eternal home. George ask the Devil "Where is everybody?" The Devil awnsers "Well your Dad's head is being used as the game ball in the match between Pandamonium United and FC Falluja, Uncle Dick and Karl are working as apprentices for Adolf Hitler." The Devil continues "But what I've come to see you about today is to tell you what you're future is here in Hell." George snaps back "You better not try to hurt me, my daddy and Unka's Dick and Carl will get you if you do." "No George, you misinterpret the good news I'm bringing you today, by the way do you like to drink?" Ask the Devil. George answers "Well yes I do!" "Well do I have good news for you George" says the Devil "Here on mondays we drink all the booze you can imagine, and you don't have to worry about repricusion because you're dead." "Do you like drugs George?" ask the Devil. "Why you holdin'?" replies George. "On tuesdays I am George, we give you a joint the size of your head and have a buffet of cocaine, heroine, LSD, crystal meth and any other drug you can want." "So George" continues the Devil "are you Gay" George becomes inraged and says "I HATE QUEERS, THEY DISGUST ME!!" The Devil then says "Well your gonna hate Wednesdays then."