My husband has been looking at changing our Health Saving Account (that wonderful plan Mr Bush thinks is so great) to a more cost effective HSA. We have a Health Savings Account because we practice in a small law firm with three attorneys and the owner of the firm is covered by his wife's insurance so it is just my husband and I being covered, we are both lawyers. My husband spent about 20 minutes on the phone this morning when he was asked the question of what his occupation was, he said the was an attorney, then the lady he was talking to said "I'll have to check to see if we cover lawyers" he joked and said "what do we have a high risk profession?" She came back on the phone and said "we don't cover lawyers." My husband questioned her about and she said that the agent we had been talking to should have told us this it was in her agent information. My husband called the agent and she was totally surprised. She said she had never heard that before, that explosives worker or people who work on oil rigs usually are denied, but she has never heard of laywers being denied.
I guess they are afraid that we might actually expect them to live up to their contract and cover us under the insurance.
We sent a letter to the Kansas Insurance Commisioner, however that a big threat, "You can't write policies in Kansas anymore."