I had smoked daily for nearly 33 years, except for a few other short periods being smoke-free. Since February:
I have not felt the need to smoke!
I don’t feel addicted!
It was easy to quit – I just did it.
I don’t miss it, except on rare occasions.
I hardly ever think about it.
I quit for several reasons (not in order of priority):
1. Health reasons. Inhaling smoke into my lungs, even a little bit, just can’t be good for them.
2. I just wanted a break – to see what it’s like to not smoke.
3. I applied for a job I wanted where they said I would be drug tested, and I didn’t want them to find marijuana in my system.
My observations so far:
Daily use of marijuana for recreational purposes does not appear to generally effect my clarity of mind, memory, energy level or anything else, really, that I can tell. Except when I was actually high.
Sure I had a habit, but in no way is it addictive. I quit cigarettes about 25 years ago, and THAT is one addictive substance. It was very difficult to quit that stuff.
My girlfriend still smokes it daily in my presence and it doesn’t bother me. I don’t feel tempted.
I generally got high for fun stuff, relaxation, etc. – never for school, work or important things where I needed to be fully functional and aware.
As a daily pot smoker, I was still able to: - Go through college in 4 years - Do some graduate work - Have a number of responsible jobs - Simultaneously: work full time, teach 8 classes per week on mind focusing and relaxation techniques, start painting and marketing my artwork and get into national and international art shows, have a relationship, maintain a house and yard, care for a dog, and do all the other daily activities we all do.
Will I ever smoke pot again? Sure! It’s fun, and in moderation harmless. Smoke in the lungs is the major issue for me. The other thing is my dentist says he could tell I was smoking something. I think it effects the enamel on your teeth. I’d like to look into one of those smokeless devices, which just heats it up. I’ve never tried one though.
My point is, that from the point of view of a long-term pot smoker, I just can’t see that it has had an adverse effect on my life. I can take it or leave it. It definitely enhances your experiences, and I think now I’d rather use it for more special occasions than for just regular daily use out of habit.