I am the EGGMAN!! Who the HELL here is The Walrus???
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Wed Sep-24-03 07:12 PM
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I am the EGGMAN!! Who the HELL here is The Walrus??? |
Cause we should meet up!!!!
(Just listen'in to tha White Album a bit here...)
I don't have the name of it here, but I'm gonna turn it now to that song about slaughtering pigs. That one's my FAV.
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Wed Sep-24-03 07:15 PM
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In the song "God", from his third solo album.
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Wed Sep-24-03 07:16 PM
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2. "here's another clue for you all..." |
Edited on Wed Sep-24-03 07:17 PM by FlashHarry
"the walrus was Paul."
((From "Glass Onion" on the White Album.))
Mr. McD
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Wed Sep-24-03 07:24 PM
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3. no, I am a Goo goo g'joob |
Edited on Wed Sep-24-03 07:27 PM by mrmcd
at least after a "dube".
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Wed Sep-24-03 07:33 PM
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4. Zappa's version was awesome! |
Never officially released, but played quite frequently on the 1988 tour. Usually preceded by "Whipping Post", with the lasy lyric changing from "I do believe there just ain't no such thing as dyin'" to "I do believe that I Am The Walrus." Good times.
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Wed Sep-24-03 11:21 PM
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11. I saw him on that tour! |
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Wed Sep-24-03 07:54 PM
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5. The walrus was Paul... |
according to "Glass Onion." That's if I remember correctly. I have those songs on LP and haven't listened to them in years.
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Wed Sep-24-03 08:04 PM
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6. That would be me. Goo goo ka choo. |
The walrus was Paul. I looked like him when he and I were younger. So I must be the walrus.
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Wed Sep-24-03 08:19 PM
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I wanted to post 'goo goo ka choo'.
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Wed Sep-24-03 09:53 PM
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Let's see if anyone gets THAT one! :-)
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Wed Sep-24-03 09:55 PM
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Wed Sep-24-03 11:12 PM
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10. I am the walrus! Ask me anything! |
Wait, I already used that line.....
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:12 AM
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