Juan Mata's maroon Kenworth semi-truck means a lot to him. The Lockport man keeps a picture of it tucked inside his wallet. He used to proudly park the truck in the driveway outside his home.
So, when his neighbors called police last summer, complaining that the truck was noisy and an eyesore and the police made him move it, Mata, who says none of that's true, got mad.
Then, he got even: He has painted his house a brilliant shade of fluorescent green.
"Hideous," one neighbor calls it.
Another, Debbie Seitz, says it's so bright, "The flight traffic would be able to spot Lockport."
Serves you right, says Mata: "Well, I thought if they said, 'The truck's an eyesore,' I'd give them a real eyesore."
The color is so, ah, unusual, that, when he bought the paint at a Home Depot and told a store employee what it was for, "The lady there couldn't believe it. She said, 'That's not outside paint; that's interior paint.' "