I was grocery shopping, I was just about to pay for my groceries. I heard this scream, the sort of scream that is about 250 decibles, high-pitched and totally nerve-jangling. I jumped, and looked behind me to see where the scream was coming from. I see a little girl, (may 3 or 4 at most,) on the ground throwing a royal tantrum making the scream. I wasn't angry, just startled. The mother sees me looking and hurls all kinds of horrible obscene names at me and the checker. The checker tells the lady nicely, "Please control yourself and your daughter, or you'll be asked to leave."
The woman went ballistic. She had a big shopping cart full of food, and I could see she was going to ram me with it. So I scrambled out of the way, all the while the woman is saying the most filthy things imaginable to the checker and I.
I hadn't said a word at all.
She misses me with the overloaded cart, it rams into a storefront display and the woman drags, (literally,) her still-screaming kid outside. The checker gets on the phone at the checkout, and finishes checking my groceries.
I get outside, and I hear the kid screaming more, I look, and there are four cops on top of this woman, who is fighting, kicking, trying to kick and hit the cops. They finally "hog-tie" her and put her in the back of a cop car, I notice something under the woman's car. It's a pill bottle with no label. I point it out to one of the cops, she gets a tweezers and gently picks up the pill bottle and puts it into an evidence bag. I could see it had a couple chunks of something in it. The cop says, "This woman is on crack or meth, we'll see what's in that pill bottle, thanks."
BTW, both the Mother and daughter have NO jacket, hat, gloves, anything, just long-sleeve shirts on. And it's about 20 degrees here with a stiff cold wind.
The people from the Department of Child Protection show up and take the STILL screaming kid off.
I told the woman cop, "I really feel sorry for that little girl, not only doesn't she know how to behave, her Mom is high on something, crack or meth or whatever." The cop says "I see stuff like this all too often."
As everyone is leaving, I noticed the car, it's a total junker, no plates, just a "LAF" cardboard sign in the back window. (Liscense Applied For)
It had three things on it that were new, 3 bumper stickers. "Only Through Jesus Can You Be Saved" "I Vote Pro-Life" "Bush-Cheney '04"
People, I'm still shaking.