OK, I've got to give some background info first. I'll just get straight to the point. One night after the bars closed, I was hooking up with a girl back at my frat house, which I had recently moved out of and a couple sonsabitches snuck back into the room we were in and took a couple snapshots of us. Well after the girl freaked out for a while, I finally got the camera (I think) and crushed it........anyway I of course had to get these guys back and wanted it to be really good.
So a couple weeks later I was driving on the outskirts of town and saw a sheep farm, which gave me an idea. That night, me and a freind went out there thinking we'd just go grab one and take it back to the house and put it in these guys room. Well it wasn't quite that easy. We get in there and these things start stampeding all over the damn place. I ended up getting "bucked" in the face and got a nice fat, bloody lip. But my buddy was able to grab it after it hit me and got separated from the pack. So we showed up at the house and brought the sheep inside to these guys room. Turns out they went home for the night (to K.C.-from Lawrence-KU).
So we've got this sheep in there and eventually it starts bbbbaaaahhhhhhing loud as hell. You should have seen the look on peoples' faces when they came in to see what the hell was going on. The bars were just closing, so people were coming back all drunk and getting a big kick out of the sheep. Well he ended up staying the night in there and even left a nice dump in the middle of the floor. The next morning, we safely returned the sheep. When we got about 2 blocks away, it started bbbbaaaahhhhing like crazy. He was happy to be home. I wish I had a scanner to post some of the pics. They're classic...