Why don't people have fun at partys anymore ?
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Sun Dec-19-04 04:29 AM
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Why don't people have fun at partys anymore ? |
everyone thinks they're grown up and behave like old farts. DU has to have a party where people can be themselves and blow off steam.
yvr girl
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Sun Dec-19-04 04:32 AM
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1. I've been to some fun parties |
We did naughty things with Xmas ornaments and everything.
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Sun Dec-19-04 04:32 AM
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2. I certainly have fun at parties |
KICK THEIR ASSES and get 'em going
Undercover Owl
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Sun Dec-19-04 04:39 AM
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3. Because they only go to REPUBLICAN parties! |
LOL! You need to find out where the good parties are, my dear!
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Sun Dec-19-04 08:07 AM
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I think that's a great idea for the lounge. No one has to worry about drinking or driving either. Why don't you throw one, announce a date and time and ask Skinner to keep it flagged? I think it would be fun.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 12:27 AM
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