Got to examining my bird's wing this afternoon. Some of her feathers look like quills with just some feather left on it (it looks like these were cut the last time her feathers were trimmed in August) One looks like like a quill, no feather on it (do they really cut so much off during a trim?)
Had the crisis yesterday with the blood and the feather that came out. Gee, when I see the vet in a couple of days, should I mention they should maybe take a closer look at this wing? Will these "quills" have to be pulled? Or will they come out eventually? These wouldn't be those nasty blood feathers? (but if they were in wouldn't there still be some bleeding?
I don't know what to think. Still confused and a little concerned. I'm taking Murphee to the vet's in a few days' anyhow, to be boarded and she usually gets her wings done. :)