"Bill Clinton was the last American president to visit Canada back in 1984. Clinton, who had taken Canadian lessons while still the governor of Arkansas, bravely spoke before the House of Commons, despite mispronouncing many common Canadian words such as "roof", "barbecue", and "about".
"Although they share a common border, Canada and the United States have many differences. There have dissimilar forms of government, a different system of weights and measures, and discordant alphabets. These elements, along with distinct languages, have created many challenges for visiting dignitaries, politicians, and heads of state.
"Bush, who struggles enough with his own language, politely nodded when Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin spoke privately to him about improving North American defenses, increasing trade, and screwing Mexico. Although Bush used his interpreter for most of the talks, at one point, the president became excited and used animated gestures and made explosion noises while trying to describe a proposed missile defense shield."