on the home page of DU.
From buyblue.org, here are the stats on both companies in terms of PAC contributions to federal candidates:
AMAZON.COM 2004 election
Total Receipts $88,000 Total Spent $132,500 Begin Cash on Hand $63,500 End Cash on Hand $19,000 Debts $0 Date of last report November 22, 2004 Contributions from this PAC to federal candidates (list recipients) (39% to Democrats, 61% to Republicans) $100,750
Contributions to this PAC from individual donors of $200 or more (list donors) $88,000
Barnes & Noble SOFT MONEY DONATIONS: NOTE: The donations listed may be made by individuals associated with the organization as well as by the organizationitself.
To Democrats: $30,000 (100%) To Republicans: $0 (0%) Total: $30,000
Haven't received a response yet from Skinner (I know it's a busy time of year), but what do you all think of this? I, for one, plan on putting my $$ where my mouth is and will buy from Barnes and Noble. By the way, Borders has teamed up with Amazon, so they're off my list, too.