http://www.scorecard.orgFor those who haven't seen this site, you may find it useful to guage how healthy (or not) your neighborhood is. I found out that I have five (!) Superfund sites in my county, which falls in the top 10% of polluted counties in the US. It's amazing that everyone doesn't have cancer and birth defects.
I found the site while doing research about a superfund site in my own neighborhood. It turns out that the site was a former chemical reprocessing plant which went out of business after years of epa violations and actions. When they left, they abandoned over 30,000 corroding drums of various hazardous chemicals, as well as several railroad tanker cars and underground storage tanks. In all, over a million gallons of hazardous chemicals. The site has been capped, and a groundwater treatment plant installed. Current estimates of the time of treatment for the groundwater is well over 30 years! And this is several hundred feet away from residential neighborhoods!
Anyways, I find it DISGUSTING how companies are allowed to pollute the air and ground in areas where thousands of people live and work every day. I also learned, from this site, that the superfund I described above, is not the worst site in my immediate area.