"My name is Dubya...and I can't admit I'm an alcoholic."

God grant this douchebag the serenity to accept the things it
cannot change, the courage to change the things it can, and
the wisdom to always know the difference.

"I can quit anytime I want to...I just don't want to..."
Signs of Alcohol Abuse
Odor on the breath.
Difficulty focusing: glazed appearance of the eyes. Uncharacteristically passive behavior; or
combative and argumentative behavior. Gradual (or sudden in adolescents) deterioration in personal appearance and hygiene.
Gradual development of dysfunction, especially in job performance or school work.
Absenteeism (particularly on Monday).
Unexplained bruises and accidents.
Flushed skin. Loss of memory (blackouts).
Availability and consumption of alcohol becomes the focus of social or professional activities.
Changes in peer-group associations and friendships.
Impaired interpersonal relationships (troubled marriage, unexplainable termination of deep relationships, alienation from close family members). http://www.addictions.org/alcohol.htmGET HELP, CHIMPY...GET HELP!!!