Today I did a little volunteer work at my church. For 21 years, our church has served all you can eat chili lunches during the week prior to Christmas to the street people, shelter residents, and other down and out persons in Fort Worth.
Today was a beautiful day, high 60's sunny and clear. We served over 400 meals.
Most of these people will return every day this week, tank up on chili, onions, cheese and jalapenos, crackers, cookies, coffee, hot cider.
Most of the folks are male. Broad mix of hispanic, black, anglo. A few children with mothers. I do not know if we are serving more than last year or not, at the end of the week I can find out, and will footnote if anyone is interested.
These people are so polite, some very cheerful. They range in age from probably late sixties to late teens (except for the kids w/moms). Some are regulars; we have seen them year after year. Many appear to be alcoholic, some most likely are addicts of other things. Never has anyone come in for chili reeking of liquor, nor have we had crazies on drugs join us for lunch. They thank us, offer us blessings and wish us Merry Christmas.
Today I was the chopped onion and jalapeno pepper server on my line. So for 3 hours, "would you like onions sir, and how about some peppers? And would you like them on top of the chili or on the side sir? And you have a Merry Christmas sir." (Or ma'am, depending)
HIghlight of the day. Mark and Sunshine. Mark is probably in his late 30's but it's hard to tell because living on the street puts mileage on you, but he comes in with his little dog Sunshine tucked in his jacket, zipped up so all you can see are her eyes. She is a little blonde Yorkie type, someone gave her to him 5 years ago and if she can't go, he won't go either. Period. She was so cute, and polite, just sat in his jacket and watched everything so quietly, in her little sweater, don't know where he got the sweater, although one of our mission folks could have given it to her..picked from a dumpster, who knows? Well, we had a photographer in for the day who volunteered his services and supplies to take photos of the guests, the the church would send a Christmas card to their family if they desired. Mark and Sunshine had their picture made. He let me play with her, and hold her for a bit. I asked him if he lived at one of the shelters, and he said he had a room in a rooming house, so he could keep her. I guess he does oddjobs or something so he can live with her. He was so sweet and kind to that little doggie, why is he living like this, can't get a regular shower, or laundry.
Past years, I have taken babies off their mother's hands so the moms could eat in peace (and so I could play with the baby), and I worry about those babies big time..however there are still social services for babies. Mark and Sunshine don't qualify for social services as a family.
So when things were winding down, I was helping the Outreach coordinator clear some tables and I said to her "DAMN George Bush!!", to which she said Amen! We had been talking about it being a good day for this event, nice weather ..and I said "No, the good day is the one where no one shows up because THEY DON'T NEED US ANYMORE!!!!" and Nancy said that would be the happiest day of her life.
Fort Worth is a fairly benevolent town, on the whole, and we are not the only church who missions to the local population. There are some fairly innovative resources for homeless persons, but funding has been lost, individuals have less money to donate, it is a viscious circle.
Watching that large room full of hungry folks eating our chili and enjoying the company, and music I could not help but think: "These are the least among us. If Christ came back to Earth right now, He just might be in this line somewhere. "
Oh yeah we had this great guitarist providing the music, lots of Willie Nelson, Gordon Lightfoot, Kris Kristofferson, Allman Brothers songs. No Christmas music at all.
I did a little light shopping after wards...(COSTCO), watching all the mongo SUV's and other gas hogs, huge baskets full of stuff; it was somewhat crowded but not like it usually is this time of year. But I couldn't get these people out of my head. I think they will be there for a long while. Funny, I have done this many times but it never hit me quite this way before.
Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Happy Holidays, and Seasons Greetings.