In a latest update to nation states, my Holy Empire of Unocalistan has sent a resolution to the United Nations:
Enslavement of Mankind A resolution to restrict political freedoms in the interest of law and order. Category: Political Stability Strength: Strong Proposed by: Unocalistan Description: Hereby move to enslave all of mankind to serve the needs of the great and Holy Empire of Unocalistan.
1) God is great 2) Unocalistan exists to serve our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, in the name of the great and holy prophet, George W. Bush 3) The economy of Unocalistan depends on the absolute submission of its people to the will of God 4) Our labor force is not large enough to offer the greatest glory to God
LET IT BE RESOLVED that all of mankind (or at least U.N. member nations) will submit to their enslavement for the greater glory of God and oil profits. Let it be known that Unocalistan has no desire to use force in order to gain the necessary labor force to glorify God, but, of course, we must serve the will of the Lord as He instructs us without question.
In His Holy Name, Amen.
Approvals: 0
Status: Lacking Support (requires 146 more approvals)
Voting Ends: Fri Dec 24 2004 ---
If any of you are delegates, please show your support. I'd love to see this actually come to a vote.