Over the years I've been very lucky in escaping online viruses. I don't think my computer has ever been infected before.
But today I seem to be the recipient of two. One suspect -- whose name I can't remember -- sent my Zone Alarm into freefall, and a pseudo version of a file hostdll.exe on my machine. I went to a page and followed the instruction, and think I may have gotten it.
Then I encountered another one called Sven, that mimics an e-mail security update from Microsoft. Right now in the background, I am running some program supposed to clean it up. We'll see -- keeping fingers crossed.
Amiong otehr things it cheeses me off because I was supposed to meet some friends for drinks tonite, but I had to bag it to watch this stupid computer scan my drives. Grrrrrr.
Anyhow, a bit of advice for all of you. Be careful out there. And don't opoen any e-mails that look like the might be from Microsoft. For info, visit McAffee, Symantec, Microsoft or one of the otehr websites that offers virus alerts and fixes.