Today's email brought not one but two sets of loonies writing to Bob Boudelang...proof that no matter how brain-damaged Bob seems, he pales in comparison to real right wingers...
Daniel "Wigman" Vovak, who missed out on being GOP Senator from Illinois
even though he owns a wig continues his quest to become Senator from Illinois with a legal strategy seemingly based on the "12 Days of Christmas"...
"On the sixth day of Christmas, the Supreme Court gave to me, Justice Thomas listen-ing,
five hours of H-a-n-s.
Lisa Madigan de-fend-ing,
Judge Stiehl man-dat-ing,
A new senator e-lec-tion,
And a Wig M-an's v-ic-tor-y?"
And nutcase Rex Curry from Florida is proud that he has burned his Social Security card and is no longer a slave. Now if he can just abolish public schools, change history, and get you to book your holiday travel through a raving nutcase....