You know you have been watching too much Sd & Marty Kroft when:
You often practice running down hills in slow motion while playing a flute so you can get it just right. (ldw)
Everytime your short friend comes over, you hide him, remarking, "If Zelda sees you, you're a goner!" (ldw)
You try to pay for your groceries with buttons. (ldw)
You think the movie "The Matrix" is showing at a Pylon near you. (bwf)
Each time you put on a hat, you ask, "How's that for a topper?" (dkc)
You see Puff Daddy and shout, "That's not Pufnstuf!" (sww)
You get upset because your local sheriff doesn't have the hots for your housekeeper. (sww)
Pink insects are strangely erotic to you. (ldw)
You moan, "Electragroovy!" during sex. (ldw)
You've built a wood shack in your backyard in hopes that a sea monster will show up to live in it. (sww)
When your lover dumps you, you break into song. (ldw)
Whenever you're in trouble, you yell, "Mongo, MONGO!" (sww)
You look into the sky at night and wonder where the other two moons have gone. (ksk)
You buy a red dune buggy just to drive around and catch crooks. (sww)
You start to wonder how that oak tree in the backyard would look with a headband and hippie beads. (bwf)
You buy all your cars from Way Out Wheeler. (ldw)