Twas the night before E-day in 2004 Not a creature was moving, not even a boar The canidates were nervous while in thier beds While visons of victory danced in thier heads And Teresa in her night gown, and Kerry with bleach Were using thier brains preparing a speech When out in D.C there arose such a noise Kerry sprang from his desk tward the sound of toys Away from the lamp he flew like a flash tore open the door, and ran out to dash When what to Kerry's eyes should appear But a mini computer, and the president with cheer The moon on the breast of the capital, D.C., Gave the arora of cheat to the president with glee With a little old smile, so sneaky with tricks Kerry knew in a second it must be Bush with the kicks More rapid than airplanes his machine it hacked All the votes from the 'chines that count votes by the stacks Now Utah, Now Maine, Now SD and Missuri! On Kansas, on Georgia, On NC and New Jersey! To the top of the prim's to the top of the vote, I'll be in D.C. when it's time to gloat!