Tomarrow we are giving gifts to our supervisers and I hadn't given her the money yet for the gift that she bought for us to give him. She threatened not to let me sign the card, which would have just been terrible for obvious reasons, if I didn't pay her the $10 today. I thought that perhaps I had a roll of quarters in my pocket, but I had left that at home. I rummaged through my coat pocket downstairs and my wallet. I had four dollar bills and $4.50 in change. That was all I could find. I put it in my pocket. When I approached her and told her that I didn't have quite enough, I counted out the money and somehow had $9.95. She said that she could excuse 5 cents. I suppose that I could have miscounted, but it really was weird. Similiar things have happened to me before like when I thought that I didn't have enough for lunch but did. My sister has also had this happen to her. It does seem like a miracle when it occurrs. Then again, maybe that happens when you carry around a lot of loose change. Has anyone else had this "miracle" happen to them.