Favorite Robert Palmer song
Pale Blue Dot
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Fri Sep-26-03 07:18 AM
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Poll question: Favorite Robert Palmer song |
I'm starting to feel really, really old.
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Fri Sep-26-03 07:19 AM
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"I didn't mean to turn you on"... I was just flirting... I'm a tease.
-- Allen
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Fri Sep-26-03 07:24 AM
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2. Not to mention his stuff with The Power Station |
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Fri Sep-26-03 07:30 AM
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3. I second that emotion...Power Station rocked..... |
Their version of Bang a Gong was awesome. Especially the guitar solo.
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Fri Sep-26-03 08:30 AM
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Reminds me - I don't have Power Station on CD
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Fri Sep-26-03 11:07 AM
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In fact, I think I'll put in on today! :-)
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Fri Sep-26-03 09:02 AM
Response to Reply #2 |
9. Yes! I was gonna bring that up |
I actually went to see PS just because I wanted to see Palmer. Then they switched him out with what's his butt - Michael Des Barres - I was so bummed! If I recall correctly, Palmer hated touring.
"Some like it hot and some sweat when the heat is on ..."
I'd have to go with "Bad Case of Lovin' You." I remember hearing that a lot the summer before my Senior Year in HS, and the album it came off of was far superior to his later - more popular stuff IMO. He even did a decent job on Todd's "Can We Still Be Friends" but of course no one can top the original ;-).
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Fri Sep-26-03 09:08 AM
Response to Reply #2 |
God I love that song!!
"Some like it hot/and some sweat when the heat is on.."
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Fri Sep-26-03 07:42 AM
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from his album "Looking for Clues" which I liked a lot back in the early 80's when it came out...the song was called "Johnny & Mary"...
obscuro I know :)
Pale Blue Dot
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Fri Sep-26-03 07:46 AM
Response to Reply #4 |
That was a good song. I'll have to see if I can find that somewhere.
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Fri Sep-26-03 08:23 AM
Response to Reply #4 |
6. Yeah, that was a great tune. |
Johnny's always running around Trying to find certainty He needs all the world to confirm That he ain't lonely Mary counts the walls Knows he tires easily
Johnny thinks the world would be right If it could buy truth from him Mary says he changes his mind more than a woman But she made her bed Even when the chance was slim
Johnny says he's willing to learn When he decides hes a fool Johnny says he'll live anywhere When he earns time to Mary combs her hair Says she should be used to it Mary always hedges her bets She never knows what to think She says that he still acts Like he is being discovered Scared that he'll be caught Without a second thought Running around
Johnny feels hes wasting his breath Trying to talk sense to her Mary says he's lacking a real Sense of proportion So she combs her hair Knows he tires easily
Johnny's always running around Trying to find certainty He needs all the world to confirm That he ain't lonely Mary counts the walls Says she should be used to it
Johnnys always running around Running around
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Fri Sep-26-03 08:30 AM
Response to Reply #4 |
8. Perhaps His Best Song Ever |
He also had a terrific version of "Every Kind Of People". I think it's on the same album with "Clues" The Professor
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Fri Sep-26-03 11:15 AM
Response to Reply #8 |
15. I loved that video......where he had the magnifying glass over his mouth.. |
.....while he sang.....making his mouth huge....and jumping around on the big building blocks....always loved that one!!:)
RIP...brings back many memories of my wild younger days! :evilgrin:
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Fri Sep-26-03 09:11 AM
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11. Sneakin' Sally through the Alley |
And his cover of Little Feat's Sailing Shoes
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Fri Sep-26-03 09:20 PM
Response to Reply #11 |
I was getting upset with the reporting of his death because it seemed to be all about the Palmer girls. He was much better than that! Little Feat are the back up band on most of his older stuff and it is great. I have always loved his music and will miss him very much. Rest in Peace Robert.
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Fri Sep-26-03 11:00 AM
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Fri Sep-26-03 11:07 AM
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With the power station. Hoo boy.
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Fri Sep-26-03 12:01 PM
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16. kickin' it for rememberence... |
:loveya: Robert :yourock: RIP!
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Fri Sep-26-03 09:32 PM
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18. Bad Case of Lovin You. That song ROCKED. |
Kenneth ken
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Fri Sep-26-03 09:50 PM
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Fri Sep-26-03 10:15 PM
Response to Reply #19 |
20. Bad Case of Lovin' You |
I really liked him and his music - I couldn't believe it when I heard he had passed. What the hell's happening? :-(
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Fri Sep-26-03 10:33 PM
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21. "Bad Case of Loving You" |
Never knew who did it, 'til recently, but I always liked it.
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