:D First, I would choose to stay anonymous, because the problem with great power is "great power suckers"--people who would latch on and attempt to influence me. While a cadre of bootlickers might be nice, at first, I'm sure it would get old really quick and lead to powertripping and screwy, unproductive diversion...which would ultimately be my downfall. (I'm not against screwy, unproductive diversions at this present point in time, of course, because right not, I've got no world-ruling mojo.)
Second, anything I do would have to very subtle and on the down-low--sudden drastic change, especially if it looks to be part of a plan and maybe even if it doesn't, brings out the old monster: Paranoia. The average man in the street has a sliver, at least, of conspiracy theorist about him, the above average often have a greater share, and the mundane powers that be--your prime ministers, presidents and the like, would probably be quick to determine that something *hinky* is afoot. I would have to refrain from alarming too many people...but it would serve my purposes if people in high places were just uncertain enough to be suspicious and play said suspicions close to their chests...thus keeping them from, shall be say, counter conspiring against my will.
Third, money will be an important part of my plans, money...and energy. The money will be used to more or less peacably obtain the machines of industry and the conglomerates of present energy sources, with the intent of bringing about a rapid upgrading and "greening" of the world economy. Among the things I would endevour to do would be "unprivatizing" public utilities. Public would mean public (no competition, no price gouging). I freely confess I am not an economist, but I believe that affordable, widely available, safe energy is possible, and some sort of formula can be devised to determine how much cash is needed to keep the machines running.
I would bring about certain erasures of certain persons though disgrace that will appear to be of their own doing. This would keep from being responsible for murder (I will absorb no guilt whatsoever if some weak so-and-so falls on his sword rather than endure post-fall--I am not so full of myself I can't permit my pawns a "little" free will.) This would also probably amuse me greatly. My fellow DUers probably have a list that would be very similar to mine--the individuals, whom I will not, therefore name, will only be described as people with lots of money, who use and abuse the media to espouse political and religious hoodwinks to cynically advance their own fortunes, and to fund murder.
This is not a free speech issue--this, to me, is something akin to punishing fraud.
I would throw my weight behind men and women whom I find capable of good stewardship of the responsibilities of rule. I believe in democracy, but many present candidates are like junkies, the system requires clear heads. People will be needed who can give a sickened body politic a shot in the arm. It is not in my interest or a part of my plan to rule alone--I want the people to have a say--but I want to encourage things along in such a way as to create the prpor climate for positive change.
Lastly, I would like to create a kind of Pax Vixengrl that would arrest violent conflict between natins by finally displaying the pointlessness of agression and the importance of cooperation. The current free market globalization model is highly inadequate given the current disparity of goods, resources, education, existing between nation-states. The model creates a "trickle-up"--not a "trickle down" and that balance is in large part responsible for desparation and instability. My thought is this is because we think in terms of currency units for value--not basics like beef, booze, barley, books and beds. I am a cave woman in mentality, and so I see things in more utilitarian units--what good is money? If you were in a desert and had a few thousand dollars--could you drink it, and not die of thirst? The choice of offering franchises of needed goods to create regional sustainability--stability (desalinization plants in places that need water, I'll sic actual smart people on the idea) might take some of the edge off. I'd try to "globalize" based on more humane notions than lowest wages, loosest labor rules.
I haven't given a whole lot of thought to this, of course, but there's a start.