Longboard, short dog: For all of you who ever tried surfing but gave up because it's too difficult, we offer Buddy, a
Jack Russell terrier who thinks he's Kelly Slater with fur. Buddy was catching waves north of Ventura, Calif., with
his owner, Bruce Hooker. Look, Ma, no forepaws!

Oh brave new world: A macaque clings to his cage despite being released in a compound at the Wildlife
Rescue & Rehabilitation center in Kendalia, Texas. The cage had been his home for 30 years at a laboratory in
New Mexico.

If he sticks that nozzle in my tank, I'm outta here like Smarty Jones: The high price of gas isn't the only thing that's
shocking at this filling station in Ebensburg, Pa.

Instant evolution: After a stomach ailment nearly killed her, Natasha started walking around upright at Safari Park
in Tel Aviv. Now the 5-year-old black macaque walks exclusively on her hindlegs.

Please save my mother: A kitten watches fire Capt. Levy Davis try to revive its mother at a house fire in In
Bowling Green, Ky. The oxygen did the trick, and both cats, along with a third, were taken to the Humane Society.

Don't fence me in: Patrolman Dave Hunnicutt frees a prowler whose paw became wedged in the backyard fence
of a Huntington, Ind., residence. After Hunnicutt pried the boards loose, the coon scampered underneath a shed.

Hole-in-the-wall gag: Hunters in Kennewick, Wash., are itching for the season to begin so they can shoot
themselves a nice six-point black Lab

Show me the egress, please: There's always a line at the women's restroom of the Dreher Park Zoo in West Palm
Beach, Fla., and now we know why. The zoo moved its spoonbills and ibis into the lavatory to escape Hurricane
Frances' wrath.

People watching is almost as popular as looking at the animals at the Warsaw Zoo.

Peoples watching: The thing about digital cameras is, everyone wants to see the pictures right after you snap
them. Just ask Amber Peoples at the Chaffee Zoo in Fresno.
Thread 1
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=105&topic_id=2266917&mesg_id=2266917Thread 2
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=105&topic_id=2270040&mesg_id=2270040Thread 3
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=105&topic_id=2274453&mesg_id=2274453That's all for now... maybe I can do more tomorrow.