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Update on my "grade crisis":

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SmileyBoy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-23-04 06:14 PM
Original message
Update on my "grade crisis":
Edited on Thu Dec-23-04 06:15 PM by SmileyBoy
One of the grades was in fact, a clerical error. I technically have a hyphenated last name in the regristration (with my mother's maiden name and my fathers last name), and this is the birth last name I was given. However, I have been just using my father's last name as my last name (as should be the normal case), and as a result, when the TA's or whoever saw this, they wrote me down on the class roster as two different people, one with my hyphenated birth last name, and one with the regular last name I now go by. As a result of this, they sort of paired out the points I recieved on all the tests/extra credit into the two different last names. And what happened was that the grade I recieved was from only one of the last names. I called them up yesterday and they said they would be able to fix it.

I called up the department of the other class and told them that this may have been the error they committed in my grading, but no one who was in charge of grading was able to help me, so I have yet to get the grade in that class changed.

And this is all because of my mother, who when I was born, decided that her son should have her last name as well. Sufficed to say I'm kind of pissed at her. I'm gonna get my official name changed on the university registration when I go back to school, and I'm gonna file out the paperwork to legally get my last name changed to just my father's name.

And also, my father is getting better. He's still sick, but he's able to take medications and drink fluids by himself. Thanks to everyone for their support.
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DS1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-23-04 06:22 PM
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1. I told ya, but ya didn't listen
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