Conservatives feel that it is okay to censor ideas or art they disagree with or find offensive and voices that disagree with them. Liberals know that censorship is the biggest threat to democracy.
Conservatives believe that there is a liberal media bias. Liberals know that the evidence strongly shows no such bias. Liberals know that the media is owned by corporations and that the media is pro-business and pro-establishment (meaning pro-conservative).
Conservatives think that there is one set of values in the U.S. that can be called "American Values." Liberals know that there are numerous value systems in the U.S. and that there is no such thing as "American Values."
Conservatives think that American values are the best values in the world. Liberals know that American values are not any better or worse than those of most of the industrialized world, just different.
Conservatives believe that anyone who disagrees with them is un-American. Liberals know that those who disagree with us might still be good people who have America's best interests at heart.
Conservatives believe that it is right for them to force their values upon the rest of America. Liberals know that you can't force anyone to adopt values other than their own and that values are relative and are private and personal beliefs as long as those values don't infringe upon the values of others.
Conservatives believe that homosexuals shouldn't be allowed "special rights." Liberals know that protection from violence, protection from discrimination, marriage, spousal benefits and adoption rights are not special rights but are rights protected for all Americans by the Constitution.
Conservatives believe that the war on drugs does something positive for America. Liberals know that the war on drugs is a total failure, as drug prices have gone down and drug use has gone up since the "war" began. Liberals know that drug laws are used disproportionately to punish minorities and are used to give harsher punishments to minorities for committing the same crimes as white people.
Conservatives believe that rich people somehow deserve the money that they have. Liberals know that the hardest working people in society are far from the richest. Liberals know the hardest working and most important people in America are the police officers, fire fighters, teachers and soldiers. These are the people that should be rich, not the CEOs, stock traders, professional athletes and musicians.
Conservatives believe that cuts in capital gains taxes help American society. Liberals know that cuts in capital gains taxes help the rich avoid paying their fair share of the country's tax burden.
Conservatives believe that everybody who pays into social security should get back what they pay into the system. Liberals know that no matter how much they pay into the system, the government should never issue social security to the likes of Bill Gates and Ted Turner.
Conservatives argue that the estate tax, or tax on inheritances, should be abolished. Liberals know that only the richest Americans pay this tax and that those taxed are left with more money than they could ever truly need.
Conservatives think that public schools should teach students "moral education." Liberals know that there isn't one universal set of morals and that it is the duty of parents and families to teach morals, not schools.
Conservatives think that they are more moral than everyone else. Liberals know that they are human beings like everyone else and make the same mistakes that everyone else makes.
Conservatives think that war is the solution to many foreign policy problems. Liberals know that war should only be used as a last resort.