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Spending the Holidays with DU.. who else is ?

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Catchawave Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 09:55 AM
Original message
Spending the Holidays with DU.. who else is ?
Once our kids became adults and moved to NYC and Miami, we all made a deal to do "our own thing" over the very expensive and crowded holiday season, despite the propaganda heavy "There's no place like Home for the Holidaze" song. We plan to visit FL in Feb and NY in the spring.

Based on the news footage of thousands stranded, and dangerously so on interstates, at airports and bus/train stations, I'm convinced we may have broken the code to a sane holiday season. Nothing against traditional family gatherings, if that's what makes everyone happy, but it's not for me.

And yes, I'm enjoying the angst-posts from y'all spending time with the Merry Kvetchmas extended-families. Been there, done that, suffered the guilt, whether I showed up or not!

So, to those of you "stuck home alone", celebrate! Friends and family can be enjoyed any time of the year, whether you like that or not too!

Disclaimer: I'm fiftysomething and wish to hell I knew about this in my 20's through 40's :::snort:::

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catmandu57 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 10:00 AM
Response to Original message
1. I'm going to be here
Just me and the cats, christmas has never been a particular joyful holiday, and since I'm not religious and 85% hermit anyway, it doesn't bother me at all.
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Catchawave Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 10:30 AM
Response to Reply #1
6. My perfect holiday anytime of the year...
...spending time with the unconditional love of my pets! You have much to be joyful for!
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ernstbass Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 10:00 AM
Response to Original message
2. Season's greetings from another who will forego family
on this Christmas except for my brother (we're 2 dems in a family of repugs) - the holiday will be spent spending time on DU, sipping martinis, eating great food and watching videos - the true meaning of a peaceful Christmas!!
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Catchawave Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 10:34 AM
Response to Reply #2
9. Sounds like the perfect "anytime" to me....
Enjoy your holiday, I too, have the "spirits" of the season on hand too, along with some lovely videos !
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ayeshahaqqiqa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 10:01 AM
Response to Original message
3. I'm snowed in
and have no desire to go anywhere. I'm planning to spend way too much time at DU today and tomorrow, as I usually do when I'm home. I keep telling myself that the house will clean itself up!
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catmandu57 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 10:27 AM
Response to Reply #3
5. You do that too huh?
There's so damn much dust in this house it's no wonder we're sneezing.
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Catchawave Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 10:36 AM
Response to Reply #3
10. I hear ya.....
...and glad your smart enough to stay safe at home! DU ain't a bad thing is it? I look forward to hanging out wit youse guys :smoke:
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Cooley Hurd Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 10:02 AM
Original message
I'll be off and on DU periodically...
After all, I do have to spend time with my other family...;)
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Catchawave Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 10:37 AM
Response to Original message
11. I feel your angst....
...nice to have a back up, eh? Enjoy the family!
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demnan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 10:02 AM
Response to Original message
4. My mother just suggested to me on the phone
that I not go over to her house on Christmas Day. Instead she wants to do everything today. Quite puzzling. I only live 7 miles away. She didn't think I should do "all that driving".

I think I talked her out of it, but at 83, could it be the stress of the season that she felt with me being there?

I'll find out later when I go over and if she wants me not to come Christmas, I guess I will be spending it at DU. (I'll have to go get something for dinner, though).
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Catchawave Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 10:48 AM
Response to Reply #4
13. I hope I'm still at DU at 83 !
Christmas Sucks is not unusual for those of us over 40, bless her heart, maybe she rather go to Vegas in January. Less expensive and crowded, and she's assured of a good time. It's not YOU, believe me.

Note to self: Dear Children, Screw Christmas, take your Elderly Mom to Vegas in January/February.
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frictionlessO Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 10:33 AM
Response to Original message
7. I will cheerfully be off and on all day tomorrow and a large chunk of
tonight... I learned your lesson at an early age... before my paranets got born'd again.
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Catchawave Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 10:53 AM
Response to Reply #7
14. Good for you....
Make Christmas/Holidaze you're own....even if you have to lie about it to the 'rents. If your folks are born'd again, that's still easier than growing up Catholic. Believe you me...go to mass, get thunked in the car for misbehaving in mass on the way presents...thunked again for saying "is this all"...repeat for 18 years.
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frictionlessO Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 11:03 AM
Response to Reply #14
16. lots of thunking to be a catholic, eh? maybe thats why we get
so many converts to paganism from the grand ol
' church. Pagans dont thunk... we think.!! lol
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Catchawave Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 11:08 AM
Response to Reply #16
19. You got it.....with help from Carlin!
my very Catholic Christmas gift to you:

from "Complaints and Grievances" (HBO special)

Here is my problem with the ten commandments- why exactly are there 10?

You simply do not need ten. The list of ten commandments was artificially and deliberately inflated to get it up to ten. Here's what happened:

About 5,000 years ago a bunch of religious and political hustlers got together to try to figure out how to control people and keep them in line. They knew people were basically stupid and would believe anything they were told, so they announced that God had given them some commandments, up on a mountain, when no one was around.

Well let me ask you this- when they were making this shit up, why did they pick 10? Why not 9 or 11? I'll tell you why- because 10 sound official. Ten sounds important! Ten is the basis for the decimal system, it's a decade, it's a psychologically satisfying number (the top ten, the ten most wanted, the ten best dressed). So having ten commandments was really a marketing decision! It is clearly a bullshit list. It's a political document artificially inflated to sell better. I will now show you how you can reduce the number of commandments and come up with a list that's a little more workable and logical. I am going to use the Roman Catholic version because those were the ones I was taught as a little boy.

Let's start with the first three:




Right off the bat the first three are pure bullshit. Sabbath day? Lord's name? strange gods? Spooky language! Designed to scare and control primitive people. In no way does superstitious nonsense like this apply to the lives of intelligent civilized humans in the 21st century. So now we're down to 7. Next:


Obedience, respect for authority. Just another name for controlling people. The truth is that obedience and respect shouldn't be automatic. They should be earned and based on the parent's performance. Some parents deserve respect, but most of them don't, period. You're down to six.

Now in the interest of logic, something religion is very uncomfortable with, we're going to jump around the list a little bit.



Stealing and lying. Well actually, these two both prohibit the same kind of behavior- dishonesty. So you don't really need two you combine them and call the commandment "thou shalt not be dishonest". And suddenly you're down to 5.

And as long as we're combining I have two others that belong together:



Once again, these two prohibit the same type of behavior. In this case it is marital infidelity. The difference is- coveting takes place in the mind. But I don't think you should outlaw fantasizing about someone else's wife because what is a guy gonna think about when he's waxing his carrot? But, marital infidelity is a good idea so we're gonna keep this one and call it "thou shalt not be unfaithful". And suddenly we're down to four.

But when you think about it, honesty and infidelity are really part of the same overall value so, in truth, you could combine the two honesty commandments with the two fidelity commandments and give them simpler language, positive language instead of negative language and call the whole thing "thou shalt always be honest and faithful" and we're down to 3.


This one is just plain fuckin' stupid. Coveting your neighbor's goods is what keeps the economy going! Your neighbor gets a vibrator that plays "o come o ye faithful", and you want one too! Coveting creates jobs, so leave it alone. You throw out coveting and you're down to 2 now- the big honesty and fidelity commandment and the one we haven't talked about yet:


Murder. But when you think about it, religion has never really had a big problem with murder. More people have been killed in the name of god than for any other reason. All you have to do is look at Northern Ireland, Cashmire, the Inquisition, the Crusades, and the World Trade Center to see how seriously the religious folks take thou shalt not kill. The more devout they are, the more they see murder as being negotiable. It depends on who's doin the killin' and who's gettin' killed. So, with all of this in mind, I give you my revised list of the two commandments:

Thou shalt always be honest and faithful to the provider of thy nookie.


Thou shalt try real hard not to kill anyone, unless of course they pray to a different invisible man than you.

Two is all you need; Moses could have carried them down the hill in his fuckin' pocket. I wouldn't mind those folks in Alabama posting them on the courthouse wall, as long as they provided one additional commandment:

Thou shalt keep thy religion to thyself.

thanks to Doug Rowlands
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frictionlessO Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 01:33 PM
Response to Reply #19
23. ahhh, Carlin... my bullshitless hero!!
Thanks for the post!! I am now ready to face the evil bigotry that is this christ-mess!!

"for the love of God... quit killing in his name"

now to make stuffed mushrooms and pork loin!
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Tom Yossarian Joad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 10:33 AM
Response to Original message
8. I'm not here... I'm on Walton's Mountain with a fictional family
I just can't figure out the cameras and the guy who comes out of the light every five minutes or so and yells "CUT!"

We'll be seeing you!

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Catchawave Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 11:00 AM
Response to Reply #8
15. Yes, Walton (tv) Christmases were depressing......
...even during the De-pression, no family was that perfect. At least John-Boy wasn't sent off to war.

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Droopy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 10:43 AM
Response to Original message
12. I'll be here a lot over the next couple of days
But it's not due to not celebrating with my folks. We decided to celebrate on the 26th this year because of my sister for some oddball reason. According to her she doesn't want my two year old niece to get bored with Christmas by them having it at her house then coming to my folks house in the same day. Whatever. I've never heard of a kid getting too much Christmas, but there you go. But we will enjoy ourselves all the same.

I'm going out with a friend a little later, then I'll be back on. I may have to have a few drinks later today and tomorrow to help keep me warm so look for a holiday drinking thread.
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Catchawave Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 11:03 AM
Response to Reply #12
17. I'm all for that Holiday Drinking Thread..... long as nobody's driving :party:
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sbj405 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 11:04 AM
Response to Original message
18. I'll be here. It's just me and the doggies for the weekend.
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Catchawave Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 11:17 AM
Response to Reply #18
20. Bet your doggies didn't ask for anything....
...ah, unconditional love. You lucky! Enjoy:)
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Individualist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 11:19 AM
Response to Original message
21. My cat and I will be here
when I'm not in the kitchen cooking a Christmas feast for the two of us. :hi:
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Ernesto Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 11:50 AM
Response to Original message
22. Our plane leaves in the AM
Going to the Carib for a cruise........... Been paying for the trip for 11 months. Now the time has come & yes, we have successfully ditched Xmas!
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