Infrequent flyer: Despite the angel wings, Precious the 18-year-old English mastiff fails to achieve liftoff in Miami Beach.

Food chain: Hunger gets the better part of discretion in Great Falls, Mont. Fortunately for Mr. Squirrel, the kitty was all stalk and no action.

Breakfast nap kin: Poppy the squirrel monkey enjoys some grub at the Oakland Zoo as baby Minikey catches a few winks. Minikey was
born Oct. 30.

Picking order: A monkey picks nits off a monkey picking nits off a monkey sitting quietly in the Barbary macaque pavilion at the Prague

Is your ass too big? Maybe you should ask Santa for a miniature donkey like Eeyor (left) or Jesus, at the Pride and Joy Ranch in Vacaville.

Goose, goose, duck! Sometimes birds that aren't of a feather flock together in Sun River, Mont.

Mile-high yawn: Watching the tourists at the Denver Zoo gets boring after a while.
Thread 1
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http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=105&topic_id=2270040&mesg_id=2270040Thread 3
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http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=105&topic_id=2275907&mesg_id=2275907Special thanks to the year in pictures at the SFGate. (
http://www.sfgate.com ) I had fun picking these cute animals out. Please keep this kicked so others can have a chance to see.
Happy Holidays everyone!