My mother thought it would be a good idea to drive up to New Jersey (from South Carolina), pick me up and then drive back to Carolina for Christmas (this is the first Christmas I have spent with her in about 10 years). So anyway we left 9am yesterday, breezed through Jersey, breezed through Deleware, and most of Maryland. Then DC happened...we literally moved 36 miles in 4.5 hours!!!!! Then all of the sudden the traffic disappeared and we saw the biggest rainbow the both of us had ever seen. We figured that was a good omen and we would have clear sailing from there on out. Not so, because we then hit Richmond traffic around 5 o'clock. After we navigated through that mess, neither of us was in any position to drive the rest of the way so we pulled over at a Super 8 and spent the night.
Morning arives and all is well until we were 20 min outside of our destination when the car breaks down! I'm guessing something wrong with the fuel pump. I think we got our Christmas miracle when somehow my mother got the car running again and we literally coasted home. It was a hellish 36 hours! But it's all good cause it's Christmas eve, everyone is safe and I have a nice cup of Irish coffee to calm my nerves.
So to everyone on DU Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, just in case I don't have any access to the computer for the next week or so