Edited on Sun Dec-26-04 07:18 AM by radfringe
runs about 18-20 lbs... we "adopted" him 2 years ago on New Years Eve
He was a stray hanging around my workplace. At first I thought he was the "daddy" to the feral cat colony in our shipping/receiving yard -- but a quick check under the "hood" confirmed he was not...
He was also de-clawed -- we ran an ad in the lost/found -- but no response.
I had mentioned him several times to my partner -- only to be told "no, I don't want another cat in the house -- 3 is enough + the 2 dogs..."
Well, it was nearing New Years day, and a storm was moving in -- so I did what I could -- tugged at my partner's heartstrings. I made a sign -- "will purr for food" - hung it around the cat's neck, snapped a picture and left the pic on the kitchen table...
When she arrived home that evening -- the pic was the first thing she saw -- big sigh -- and a begrudging "ok bring him home, but he's here on probation..."
The next day, as the storm was moving in, I wrangled him into a carrier and brought him home. True to his "sign" he nuzzled up under my partner's arm and started purring. Unofficially, I think the probation period ended at that point. To seal the bonding I told her to name him. She named him Gato - although his nick-name is cat-zilla
The following week we took him to the vet for a check-up. He was in good shape, though for his size he was underweight (11 lbs) -- but we fixed that in short order...
He's a tabby, white stripe down the nose, white chest/paws and loves belly rubs, catnip and the laser-light toy
on edit: stretch out - end of paws to tip of tail he measure 36"