Especially The GLBT members. This one is especially important for you. You just don't know it yet.
The little Episcopal church I attend, and am webmaster for, is in a bit of a tizzy right now. On Christmas Eve, their pastor, while on his evening power walk with his SO, passed out and ended up in the hospital. After tests, he will, at the very least, receive angioplasty and a stint. Potentials are quite high that they will crack his chest and give him bypass surgery.
Why you should care is that the priest, Emory, is a most remarkable man. He is a former ordained Southern Baptist minister and Doctor of Ministry. He left the Southern Baptists, when it became apparent that he had unreconcilable differences with them:
You see, he is gay. And he is very out. Quite matter-of-factly out. Honestly out, in a way I do not believe I have ever seen before. There is no ambiguity about his being gay and out. Nor, is there any kerfuffle. He is what he is. People accept it.
Emory is Virginia born and raised. A true classic Southern White-haired gentleman, handsome and of very regal bearing, but with warmth and a great humor. Straight out of central casting as a southern minister or Senator of the classic mold. He is, without a doubt, one of the finest examples of his profession I believe I have ever seen. A friend of Jack Spong, he lives and practices those thing Jack Spong advocates: unconditional love, inclusion, acceptance, tolerance, community. His ministry is active, vital, inclusive and so very welcoming, while leaving the judgements behind. He has a very active ministry with senior citizens, he is a former police chaplain in Doylestown PA, and when the police in this area need him, he is there and they greatly respect him. I cannot even begin to express what he has meant in my life, all the ways he has been there for me, but one vignette is this: he took me to see my mother and gave her communion on the day she died. It was quite apparent how much that comforted her. It gave her permission to leave. It was, most certainly, time for her to leave.
Yes, he is very active ministering to members of the GLBT community, especially the youth.
The remarkable thing is that in spite of his matter-of-fact gayness and that this is a very conservative area, he is loved and respected unconditionally. I have never heard a bad word about him, from even the most irrascable. Another measure of the man.
So, tonight and tommorrow morning, I have a request to make. I am not one of those who asks for these sorts of things as a rule. Please, prayers, vibes, meditations...however you do it. Focused like a laser, please. For Emory. Showtime is 6:00am EST, Monday.
For no matter however you love and live, he is most certainly one of us, and in truth, one of our finest ambassadors, and a vital source of strength, comfort and wisdom for a lot of people, especially in these times, and how rare that truly is, these days.
It would mean a lot to me. Thanks.