Anyone who reads my posts knows I am miserably homesick most of the time. Even though it's not a wise move financially -- we really can't afford it -- Mrs. V. and I are sending me home for a week in February. I need to go home.
I wish I understood homesickness. I'm happy where I am. I love my life in Maryland with Mrs. V. But my family & friends, and the smell of the ocean wherever I go, are gone. The void is as palpable as desperate hunger.
I decided several weeks ago to take this trip, but I saved the news as a Christmas gift for my sisters. I told them yesterday. When I told Chette, she cried. When I told Bean, she said "I'm so glad." :shrug: Oh, well. Chette & I are closer, anyway. And Chette & her kids were supposed to come out here for TG, but they couldn't afford it.
Bean invited me to stay on their couch. Chette invited me to stay w/ them and offered her bed; she'd sleep on the couch (she's single). As much as I love them all, I'll be more comfortable in a motel -- even though, again, we can't afford it. But Mrs. V.'s already approved the additional expenditure.
So, in less than two months I'll see my family, my best friend, Dale, and I'll walk on the beach again. Can't wait.
Are you homesick, too?