Anything I've ever seen him in, he's been really,
really good. Whether its all-around great material like "I, Claudius" and "The Naked Civil Servant" or stuff that probably would have been sort of disappointing without him ("Scandal", the film adaptation of "1984"), I've never regretted putting my time in a movie that he had an important part in.
It's not fair that he isn't as big a star in America as, say, Anthony Hopkins is (another great English actor of about the same generation except he managed to somehow become a big star here--those Hannibal Lecter movies, I guess). Instead, most Americans seem to either not even know the name "John Hurt" or think you're talking about that blond lunkhead from "Broadcast News" and "The Big Chill."
So, what brought on this thread? I watched a movie this weekend on one of the HBO channels called "Love and Death on Long Island." I knew nothing about it and the title sounded lame to me, and Jason Priestly was in it (yeah, that 90210 guy), but when I saw that John Hurt was in it I gave it a shot. And maybe the title wasn't so bad, after all--it's a little like "Death in Venice."
It turned out the whole movie was a little like Death in Venice. John Hurt is a reclusive older writer living in England, deeply closeted in every way, and so clueless about contemporary pop culture that when he buys a VCR he doesn't know he also needs a TV to watch movies. Through sheer chance, he catches a glimpse of a young hearthrob actor in a movie called "Hotpants College 2" (don't ask). The young man is reclining in a pose that reminds the older man of the Henry Wallis painting "The Death of Chatterton," and the older man becomes obsessed with what, in his eyes, seems like the very embodiment of earthly beauty. The obsession leads him out of his near lifelong shell and he goes to Long Island, where this handsome but rather talentless young actor lives.

The story is quite sensitive, gentle, and quirky (in a good way). It's also quite intentionally funny in many parts (just the memory of hearing John Hurt asking, in an upper class English accent, to rent "Hotpants College 2" at the video store is enough to make me giggle while typing this).
Incidentally, Jason Priestly actually did a pretty good job in this film. The person who carries it, however, is of course John Hurt. He is in every scene, and his acting is wonderful.
So, I've got one more memorable performance from him that I can add to my appreciation of John of the best living actors in the English language.