For those of you not familiar with ABC News Now, it's ABC's fledgling attempt at an all-news network. Since it can't get cable carriage to save its life, ABC keeps it alive by forcing its network-owned affiliates to carry it on one of their digital subchannels. Other affiliates can carry it if they want to, and they are strongly encouraged to.
It's basically CNN-Lite. Lower-tech, lower-key. Still a Bush rah-rah box, but not as obnoxious. Plus, they have some other interesting shows.
I got in the habit, back when I first got HDTV, of popping over to Channel 6.2 (WPVI-DT-2) back when it was "The Action News Channel." Regular repeats of the latest local news and reruns of the public affairs shows. ABC forced all that off the air back during the election when they started pushing ABCNN. Still, I occasionally pop over there.
At the end of the 7:30PM EST show, "Good News, Really!" (I kid you not) I found myself wondering how many people out there actually watch this. Then I listen to the host sign off.
"And that's all for 'Good News, Really....'
"...Thank you both for watching."
Now I have to find that other person. Is he my evil twin?