Edited on Mon Dec-27-04 11:17 PM by UdoKier
I've heard this kind of anecdote so many times here, I had to chime in.
My dad's GF has a 34 year old daughter. She is rude and unpleasant and only drops in briefly on our family gatherings before blowing the joint. She has no checking account and no credit because she let all her cards go into default. She is ALWAYS asking her mom to send her a thousand bucks every couple of months, even though at her last jobs she has made about 50K per year, and she's still single (chronically).
(I manage to singlehandedly support a family of 4 on 30K in San Francisco and she can't live on 50K in MIDLAND?)
Anyway, this year, after calling on Xmas eve saying her company screwed up her paycheck and she needed $300 wired to her for plane fare, she finally drove in from Arizona. I noticed right away the "WWJD" and "If you think you're perfect, try walking on water" stickers on her late-model SUV (Which she hasn't bothered to change to Ariz. plates even though she's lived there for 9 months)
I asked the GF what was up with it, and she told me that a couple of years ago, after many years of partying and heavy drinking, she had gotten into a DUI accident and that she had had to bail her out of jail, and that after that she had gone to AA and eventually that morphed into her being a fundy of some sort (she's excited now because she's met a promising "Christian golfer").
So, she's still a rude bitch, still can't manage money worth a damn even though she has no real expenses, but now that she is a fundy, she can still be totally self-righteous to everybody. She has moved every year for the last 4 years. El Paso, Midland, Scottsdale, and now she is quitting her job to move to Mesa, AZ for another Job. But she wants to move to Dallas - she loves it there (ugly hellhole town, but it's full of fundy a-holes!)
(some minor details changed to protect her identity)
What is it with major league screw-ups becoming arrogant fundies?