Have you ever thought the balance of your checking account was something and then go and deposit a check, and then go home, think to yourself, "gee that doesn't seem right, it should be more."?
Then do the math and realize it SHOULD be more, then run around your house looking for old bank statements, finally give up go down to the bank get a print out of your bank statement, and then realize that there are no weird transactions, no weird withdrawals you forgot about, and that you had the wrong total all along and gave yourself extra money and so therefore got all in a tizzy for other reason then you cant remember what you've bought, or, apparently, do math?
Well I did, just now. :D
And since you're reading this, I worked for UPS for two weeks before Christmas, they call me yesterday and leave a message (I was out) asking if I'll be able to come over today between 1 and 4PM and return my uniform, so I go over at around 1 and the guy I need to talk to isn't there, so I don't get my paycheck! So instead of having the joy of depositing my two paychecks I can only deposit one, which then results in the story above and yesterday morning was awful too!