no kerosene computer, but I got to use all the kerosene lamps, I had 7 of them going !
Okay, someone asked what the difference was between big waves and Tsunami's, and why you can't surf a tsunami. First, I wish I had a million dollars to help all those people, god, did anyone catch Big Dawg a couple days ago coming out and saying someone better start acting on relief for these people? Shit, Bush had his thumb up his ass before he did anything. Probably drunk.
Anyway, waves are created by the wind. A Tsunami is created by an upheaval on the ocean floor,or actually any big disturbance that displaces water. It actually sucks the tide with it as it travels, or "tidal wave". It's a churning mass, not a smooth surface you can surf. It builds in height and strength as it approaches shore.
So here's a diagram:

Here's a big wave being surfed:(note the "smooth " surface)

I would imagine a Tsunami might look like this:

The physics of a tsunami: said BBC had good coverage today, I haven't checked it out yet.
There's loads of info on the web.