Anyone Else With Snow???
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Thu Dec-30-04 01:51 AM
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I'm freezing tonight here in OH. Still have quite a bit of snow on the ground. Supposed to go up into the 50's on New Year's Eve......Can't wait until it's all gone, this time.....
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Thu Dec-30-04 01:53 AM
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We had close to 2 feet here in Michigan, but it was up in the 40s today, and I can see some grass poking out. I was able to take the 4 wheeler for a spin today !
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Thu Dec-30-04 01:55 AM
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Grass poking out, already??? By the looks of it out there, I can't fathom seeing the grass for a LONG time!
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Thu Dec-30-04 02:09 AM
Response to Reply #2 |
10. Well, just in the spots... |
where the wind had blown it for a few days,so there was less there,and I can just barely see some grass poking out. But there is still plenty of it elsewhere. All of a sudden, Florida doesn't look so bad !!!!
Gothic Sponge
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Thu Dec-30-04 01:55 AM
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3. There are lots of metals in snow. |
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Thu Dec-30-04 01:57 AM
Response to Reply #3 |
6. Why? Because it is polluted? |
Is that why there is metal in the snow?
Gothic Sponge
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Thu Dec-30-04 02:00 AM
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Thu Dec-30-04 02:32 AM
Response to Reply #8 |
13. Dirty water makes dirty snow. |
Acid water makes acid snow. When I was a child, people used to make ice cream using snow. I don't know if they were just naive, or the water was cleaner.
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Thu Dec-30-04 02:02 AM
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Thu Dec-30-04 01:56 AM
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4. The last of the snow melted off the rooftops today. |
Temperature may have reached 48 degrees. Will be in 50s on New Year's Eve here, too.
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Thu Dec-30-04 01:57 AM
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5. AZ: lots of beautiful rain, snow up in the mountains... |
In the summer, you drive through Arizona and see the names of rivers and you laugh because they are dirt dry. Well, those dried up rivers are over flowing and communities are underwater right now.
Zomby Woof
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Thu Dec-30-04 01:58 AM
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The massive rain we had in northern AZ today turned to snow in the late afternoon, and we will get a few inches tonight.
Bad news down south in Sedona, where massive flooding has caused some serious damage.
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Thu Dec-30-04 02:11 AM
Response to Reply #7 |
11. Yes, Snowbowl Ski Closed due to high winds... |
the same happened the day before Christmas. It was way too windy to operate the lifts and they had no electricity. We were there, had a great time.
How about the Sedona Cave Creek river, that is quite a mess.
CO Liberal
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Thu Dec-30-04 02:14 AM
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12. We Have a Little Bit Left From Last Week |
It's been in the 50s the past few days - it should all be gone by the weekend.
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Thu Dec-30-04 03:40 AM
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14. Saw a Hummer off the road here in Cleveland |
last thursday....
I love it when these amateurs get behind the wheel of a large vehicle and think they are invincable.....
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:33 AM
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