I have two other cats, both of whom are indoor kitties by necessity these days (renting a house too close to a road). A stray cat ingratiated himself not so long ago; he was very sick with a respiratory infection so I took care of him, had him neutered, got him his shots, etc. And of course, after the attention and love he didn't want to stay one of the neighborhood cats, he wants into the family. So he's got a little kitty house on the downstairs covered porch, regular food, loving, etc.
It could just stay this way for a while but we'll probably be moving in 3-4 months so I need all cats to like, or tolerate, one another. So I think I need to start introducing them now.
The new guy, Ivan, is a HUGE, young (probably less than 2 yrs) male, very strong. About 15 lbs with a head the size of a softball. He is HUGE. He had a biting problem for a while but seems to have mostly grown out of it having learned rapidly that my firm, not-nice-mama voice saying "NO!" means I'm not happy at all and that biting me is a bad idea. He's not stupid, but this cat, if pissed off, could do a lot of damage.
My indoor female, Clarisse, is a very wacky, psycho calico who can't see very well and she's just got a temper. She's aggressive until the the other cat has had enough and goes after her, then she screams and runs like bullies usually do. I love her, but she's a psychobitch.
And Tommy, the kitty love of my life, is a neutered male, at least 10 years old, missing both top canine teeth and is about 2/3 the size of Ivan. He's territorial, but not excessively so, though he used to regularly chase stray males off our property in Virginia and get into fights on occasion. I adore this cat. He is my sweetie pie, and I DO NOT want him hurt at all (I don't want any of them hurt, but, Tommy's my baby; I hate to have favorites but he's declared himself mine and we're just great buddies).
So. Long story short. How and when do I introduce these cats? They've seen each other for weeks through the enclosed upstairs screened porch, my cats in, Ivan out. They've gotten beyond active hissing and growling and now ignore one another, but the boundaries have been established and if I break those down and bring Ivan into the upstairs porch there will probably be more hissing and yowling. I'd just introduce them one at a time, but how do I break up a catfight?