I got a log of cherry for 60 bucks and it was only 4 feet long, they proud of that wood huh? When I returned I checked my email and this is what I got I kid you not, real email:
Think your manhood is big enough? Here is the the test
Take your index finger and touch it to your thumb With your penìs hard see if it will fit through the hole If it does, chances are you're too small
Try this www.getherbalsnow.com/buynrg The thicker and longer you are, the more orgäsms you'll give her Pack a python in your pants :) www.getherbalsnow.com/buynrg
Now mods before you fly off the handle and say rosaries for me and stuff this is not a sex thread, we all agree spam is an important topic in our everyday life that should be discussed. Besides, who wouldn't want to pack a python in their pants?
I apoligize if this thread harmed people with small thingies, people with big thingies, people without thingies, people who want thingies but are afraid to ask, and all python lovers.