Hmm, let's see: the economy sucks, Dickhead stole the election again, war rages on in the Middle East, natural disasters are killing hundreds of thousands of people. Oh, and my mom got breast cancer. Yeah, this year fucking sucked royally.
However, I personally hate pessimists that always focus on the negative. Life's tough enough without hearing them whine about it all the time. In the past few years, this one included, I have met so many beautiful and wonderful people who have inspired me to go on fighting. Many of them are right here at DU. You and many others have convinced me that there is a lot worth fighting for. So as we head into the new year, I face it full of piss and vinegar. I'm ready to fight and optimistic that we will one day prevail. That day may not come as soon as we'd like, but I think it's coming. And when it does, it will be people like us that make it happen. That's something to be proud of. So, happy new year everybody. Remember, don't ever give up!