because I want the surgery and others are saying to get a second opinion.
My boss is harping on me, asking when I'll return to work - despite telling him of what's coming up and saying that due to the healthcare provider there's a delay in getting the 'back to work' paperwork back to them. :mad:
And given the increasing weakness, particularly in my left arm, I know that physical therapy (which is akin to chiropractic 'care', which half-led me into this mess) will not be sufficient.
I think there's going to be a screw-up somewhere. There always seems to be. I just don't want to end up paralyzed which is worse than death. In our 'culture of life', the 'life' demands your able to operate at 110% percent. The cost is high too.
I'm sure the surgery will go fine. But knowing, um, 'political' issues in my department (to make a long story short, morale is less than 0 right now), I don't expect to be there much longer anyway. (the root issues are work related and I am actively seeking other employment, even if it ultimately means I declare bankruptcy... I'm already ruined financially. I refuse to ruin my sanity by those maladjusted psychotic sociopaths who are phasing out my job... (I still don't get it why I can't get training I asked for, yet got a promotion. :crazy: I know they want to phase out PC support and they've whined about the cost of staffing... there's a lot more, but it's safe to say that everybody is piss-terrified over there... and it's half the reason why I fell three weeks ago.)
And I will be calling a friend later on today. We're getting together for a party tomorrow night, can't wait for it. She also told me to talk to her if I had any "issues". (she LOATHES my prychiatrist... heh, she should have known the previous one, Dr. Fr... wait, I suppose I shouldn't say his name, utter quack as he was...)
AFter the surgery I will be away from DU while everything heals up. Might be a good thing. Reality is depressing... my own stupid fault for getting suckered in as well. I had no idea things would have changed...
I don't intend to whack myself into oblivion, please don't get that idea and I've little 'pacts' with 6 people and I care enough about 5 of them to really not do anything dumb, don't worry there. I'm just fearful that I'm making a mistake with the surgery or by finding other employment. Meanwhile, the current employer is starting to hit my psyche hard. I wouldn't mind not having a job, but then I'd have nothing and because of several reasons I'd rather not say, I grew up preferring things over people. Funny how I'd end up being a compassionate guy what with everything that happened... maybe I am insane. :7