reasonable about training for better jobs in the future, and try to find work closer to home. The problem with the case in the movie is that Flint is a dead town, with few suburbs nearby. GLC mall is about a 40 minute drive from Flint, but if you don't have a car, it's a long bus ride. I think working for money is better than sitting at home and collecting a check, both for people's self esteem and for society at large. The program in Michigan, as much as I object to some aspects of it, does pay for daycare and afterschool programs for kids. The mom of the 6 year old shooter chose to leave her kid in a crack house, with criminals supervising him while she worked, rather than a day care center. She has responsiblity for this decision.
All those who argue about moms being home with their kids instead of working-most women I know work and have their little kids in day care, and it's not free for them.
My main objection to Michigan's program is that it requires parents to work almost 40 hours a week. If the parent wants to take classes for job skills' training, he or she has to do that on top of the work hours. This leaves very little time to spend with the kids. On top of that, it's putting a whole bunch of adults into the fast-food industry, which is taking the traditional teenagers' jobs from them. Everyone has to start somewhere, but long-term relief from poverty will not be found working at Taco Bell.