I've been in nursing homes. I don't have the personality to cope with the patients.
I would also need to find a backbone to take blood and do everything else, and Heaven help me if I screw that up. Heck, I've vomited for less...
Besides, it's political. I dislike the health care system as it stands. It leeches off of people unfairly and bilks them for all they've got and more. Meanwhile, unless you're a doctor, you don't get paid much. My counselor makes $60k a year. Maybe that's what I should study for. Just sit there and listen to people's problems and soothe their souls and patronize them while offering nothing constructive to deal with the problem that caused the people to see them in the first place. Uh-huh.
And we all can't be in the industry.
And it's a myth. I mean, $800 for one ambulance ride and yet the EMTs and such only make $30k a year (which is a fair amount for what they do but you'd think they make much more considering the costs within the system)? I suppose I could do that, but I'd be pissed at the system. $800 for one ride and that's just one person, where does the money go? Management alone. There are plenty of people who need ambulance service, so the ambulance industry alone is colossal.
We should all be in the management industry. And CEOs.