Hello. My name is MiniAmandaRuth and I am in a ranting mood.
The other day I was watching Queer Eye (Hit me if you must) and while laughing and picking up random tips, I thought for a long time.
I know that not all homosexual men are not like Carson or Jai, so why do people have such a problem with them? They're not retarded or anything, so why do people say that they can't get married? It's not like they're going to start taking over the world... I want to hit the kid in my math class every time he says that 'Gays should die' to me. Oh well, I flip him off under the desk.
AND ANOTHER THING, I am effing tired of these right-wing whackos condemning abortion! Is it YOU, random-guy-in-math, that will have the BABY? Or me? What if I don't want the baby?! Oh yeah, I was asking to be raped and liked it and am just a baby machine (That's what I say to righties.)
People make me mad, how can they follow this guy? By 'this guy' I mean Dubya! "Oh, he's so great! He gave 35 million to the tsunami victims but gave 40 million to himself!"
Must fight back rage toward stupidity.
And why the *Insert random string of curses here* does 2/3 of *BEEP*in America not *BEEP*in know the *BEEP*in words to the *BEEP*in National Anthem? Are those the *BEEP*in *BEEP*ers that consider themselves *BEEP*in patriotic?! And why the *BEEP* did they make such a *BEEP*in big deal over Howard Dean? Oh, and *BEEP* you, FCC.
And why the crap am I being insulted for not being Christan? Okay, so I'm Buddhist, kind of. But I thought America was all about the freedom of religion!! And when did Bush start going on about 'This Christan Nation'?!?!?!?! THE FOUNDING FATHERS DID NOT SAY "THE CREATOR' THEY PUT 'THEIR CREATOR'! Thus making us a free nation, not a *BEEP*in Christan nation (No offense to any Christians*
And when the *BEEP* did people start wanting creationism schools?! We don't even know who wrote the Bible! Much less if there Even is a God! Stick to the evidence, my school, please!