How can you get a dog to gain weight?
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Mon Jan-03-05 07:21 PM
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How can you get a dog to gain weight? |
We're taking care of a dog and he's pretty skinny. He eats a lot and he eats regularly. Is it the dry food? Is canned food better?
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Mon Jan-03-05 07:22 PM
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Maybe he's not gaining weight because he has tapeworms. What kind of dog is it?
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Mon Jan-03-05 07:27 PM
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4. I think he's half chihuahua |
I'm not sure about the other half but he kind of looks like a dachshund.
ET Awful
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Mon Jan-03-05 07:23 PM
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2. Feed him at least 2 Freepers a day. |
I hear they're very fattening :)
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Mon Jan-03-05 07:35 PM
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They'll give him the shits!
Worst Username Ever
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Mon Jan-03-05 07:36 PM
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9. Too much cholesterol in them things |
They'll clog ya. Pork rind diets do that.
Pirate Smile
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Mon Jan-03-05 07:24 PM
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3. Have three kids that leave their snacks around the house low enough |
for him to get to.
Warning - He may become obese.
How do you get a dog to lose weight?
P.S. Talk to the vet.
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Mon Jan-03-05 07:30 PM
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5. cold cuts, mighty dog, cheese cubes .... |
Dry dog food will keep him 'in shape'.
Add a tablespoon or two of moist to the dry and watch the puppy start to expand !! Hippiedog Hank was a Dog Chow dog for a long time, until he had surgery and wouldn't eat ... the vet encouraged me to mix the moist in with the dry to pique his interest and now he won't eat anything else.
He's gained 15 lbs in 2 years, which is an incredible lot for a dog.
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Mon Jan-03-05 07:32 PM
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Mon Jan-03-05 07:32 PM
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7. A Dog that eats well and often............. |
should not be overly thin unless it's inherent to it's breed. (Whippet, Greyhound etc.) I'd wait until it's owner returned and ask a few questions about whether it's been wormed etc. Dogs will usually eat everything you give them, they're natural born gluttons.
Deja Q
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Mon Jan-03-05 07:39 PM
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10. By eating a few of these morsels? |
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:43 AM
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