Edited on Sun Sep-28-03 09:16 PM by DemoTex
Got my chicken, brussells sprouts, and wine at Whole Foods. Picked up some 100% fat-free chicken stock for the sprouts and the gravy. Cool.
Got home and started the process. Cleaned and seasoned the two halves of a boneless chicken breast. Started the water for the Texas Basmati rice and the broth for the Brussells sprouts. I happily poured myself a glass of Bogle Pitite Sirah.
I got out a bag of organic flour, opened in mid-August and re-sealed in a Ziplock bag, to make the dredge for the chicken. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! No-see-ums crawled all over and in the bag! So what did DemoTex do? I called The BugBuster (aka Dad).
Dad is an 83 year-old retired professor of entomology. I told him the situation (I had seen many weavils in flour and bread, especially in Vietnam ... but nothing so small!). Dad laughed and said "Evils." Then he hit me with a scientific name I cannot remember. "It is an extremely small, ubiquitous weavil," said Dad. Then he pause and asked, "Is N___ (Mrs/Dr DemoTex) there or do you have company?"
I said, "No, I'm solo tonight."
He said, "Fry the damn chicken and call me tomorrow if you don't feel any better!"
It might have been the best fried chicken I have ever had!