And guess what! After their luggage office told me to get the bag cleaned at my dry cleaners after I got home, they refused to let me check the bag through TO my home. This makes sense, it did have some form of gasoline spilled on it, but they ran me all over Midway for 90 minutes, giving me different opinions before they finally refused to ship it. then when I threw a fit because they were responsible for my dilemna - a bag full of christmas gifts and no way to transport said gifts on the plane, they offered me a very cheap bag and offered to "call it even". I pointed out that I had a bag that cost about $300, and trading it for a flimsy pos was not calling it even; they went back behind the desk and brought out a decently equivalent new bag.
Thank you for the opportunity to rant!
If the Iraqis "hate us for our freedom", maybe the luggage handlers envied you for your Harvardness. LOL. (Or whatever college emblem might have been attached to your bag?) Hope you get it back soon and in good shape. If not, file a complaint with the airline. Have a good semester.